Trip to Peru, the 9th day No.6


This is the market near Tarma.  Of course this is just a part of it.  Tarma is a town in 3070m (10072f) in elevation, and is surrounded by even higher mountains.

In the big sacks in this photograph are red onions, but we saw lots of green, 1 metre long vegitables in similar sacks everywhere.  Near the nursary in Palca, some women were washing the same vegitables in the river.  It looked so popular there, but I couldn’t even guess what they were.  I asked Saul.  “Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)” was his answer.  The alfalfa we sometimes put its sprouts in the salad.  Can you guess what this is for?

Cuy, guinea pigs, are an important source of protein in Peru, especially in the Andes highlands and this long alfalfa is to feed cuys.

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